Wednesday 17 December 2014

Audience Research - Vox Pop

Today on 10/14/14, we conducted some audience research which included asking people questions relating to music videos. Our questions were the following;

1. What is your favourite genre of music video?

This question allows us to look into what kind of music the people around us are into, which lets us gauge how well our video will do.

2. Who is your favourite artist/group?

This question is further investigating what kind of music our peers listen to regularly.

3. Do you watch music videos regularly?

This question helps us to better understand whether or not what we are producing will be liked by our peers, which is important because it helps us establish who our target audience should be.

4. What platform do you watch them on?

This question helps us understand where we should upload our video and make it available for it to get the most exposure.

5. What is your favourite music video and why?

This question may influence how we edit, and whether or not we try to replicate certain editing styles of some of the named videos.

These questions allowed us to sample what genre was popular among our peer group.

The video can be seen below:

A Change in Plans - Group Meeting 1.

The initial plan for our music video was to have a friend of ours as the star while we took care of the filming and editing. This plan fell through at the last minute as that person was no longer able to participate, given how we no longer have the time to plan a new project, we have decided to collaborate with one of the other groups in our class. I will soon be posting new planning documents, the artist profile, and all the other relevant information to match this new project.

The people we are collaborating with for our project now are Ellese Lee and Kamie Rothon.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

A2 Course Brief

For the A2 course I have been asked to create a music video which is up to five minutes long as well as a six panel digipak as well as an advertisement for a magazine. Once all this has been created I will also provide full critical evaluation of my work

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Planning Documents - Shot List

Shot List

Shot Number








Rolling shot of Sophie walking into the gate. Camera fades behind tree, once it emerges it finds her with a guitar

Initial part part of Sophie starting the song, mid shot.

Cut to close up following music appropriately.

Cut to kitchen scene where character is making a cake

Cut to new angle following music appropriately. 

Planning Documents - Shooting Schedule

Cast +Crew




Entering main location - Valence Park

House/Kitchen/Maybe room

Based on scene


Based on scene
Winter themed clothing

Cooking apron/clothes

Based on scene


Based on scene
Sophie - cast
Matas - filming/editing
Danny - filming/editing

Planning Documents - Costumes and Props

Character Name:
Summer Dress or
wooly warm clothing
that fits the theme if
it is cold

Sweet food

Our video will be a solo performance and as such there are only props and costume for one character.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Planning Documents - Risk Assessment

Person(s) at Risk
Likelihood of Hazard
1 – Extremely Unlikely
5 – Extremely Likely
Severity of Hazard Outcomes
1 – Very Low Risk
5 – Very High Risk
Risk Level
(Likelihood + Severity)
Measures to Take to Manage Risk
Risk Managed?
Tripping over equipment 
Be careful where we're stepping while filming and preparing 
Bad weather, such as rain or windy conditions may make filming difficult 
Make sure to take advantage of good weather conditions and not try to film when it is raining or too cold
Kitchen utensils
Be careful when handling sharp kitchen utensils


Emergency Service:   
Robert Clack School:
Other Contacts: 07581541936         

Star Theory

Richard Dyer's Star Theory suggests that all or most stars are corporate constructions. This means that their brands and promotion are generally done for them in a specific way to create an image and attract a target audience. This is usually done through films and videos.

Dyer also claims that people prefer artists that display their true emotions and image through their work and their social media outlets, rather than the ones that have an image created for them artificially.  An artist that appeals to this audience need is able to use this as their selling point.

Another one of Dyers claims in Star Theory is that artists become trendsetters in terms of clothing and hairstyles and really enthusiastic fans may copy these hairstyles and the way they dress. This makes it easier to sell merchandise to a certain percentage of the audience.

Artists may also choose to share certain religious beliefs to appeal to their target audience. Fans have an easier time looking into the personal life of artists because of the internet, as a lot of them choose to share a lot of personal things that give an insight to their lives through social media outlets.

The specific artist I will focus on in this post in relation to star theory is Britney Spears. When she initially emerged into the music scene, it was unusual and strange to some people as she was entering an industry that was dominated almost exclusively by male performers. The lack of females in the music industry caused a lot of people to pay attention to her and notice what she was doing which was what allowed her to breakthrough and become a massive star. Britney became a role model for teen girls at the time because there  were no other female role models that were getting as much attention as she was in the music industry. Seeing as Britney Spears was a product of the media industry she was dressed in a specific way to appeal to her younger female audience of ages primarily between ten and fifteen early in her career, this could be inferred from her Barbie like image. Her dance routines were usually very simple, which meant that her audience could learn them if they wanted to in order to feel more connected to her.

The first music video I will look at that was done by Britney Spears will be ''Hit Me Baby One More Time'', with relation to the points outlined by Laura Mulvey in her essay, we can see that Britney is indeed presented as the object of erotic desire, this is done through her dances, deliberate camera angles and suggestive clothing.

Another one of Britney Spears' videos that is interesting is ''Hold It Against Me'' this video shows that Britney is fed up of being given images by the industry and wants people to see her for her own personality.  The video shows a room full of computer screens with her past music videos playing which shows that she has a lot to say about her past and that she wants to change peoples opinion on her. The part where she is shooting paint at the computer screens shows that she does not want to be remembered by images that she has been given by the industry.