The term organic is used to describe bands where the music comes first, this implies that they write their own songs and money is not the only motive which encourages the groups members to perform. They always write the type of music that they want to write, as opposed to the type of music that will generate the largest amount of money, however, once they have written albums or singles in their preferred style they try to sell it to the right audience to make a profit from their work.
Given how organic bands often stick to the type of style they themselves find most preferable, they appeal only to a niche audience. However, they can appeal to a mass audience in certain cases as well.

Synthetic bands are bands that are created through a certain methodology, the record labels that sign these people control what happens with the band and the band members themselves often have little involvement when it comes to real performing, they are usually instructed and trained to mime along with pre-written and often pre-performed music.
The reason bands like this are created is to exploit an identified gap in the market. This allows songwriters and performers to create a specific type of music to fill that gap in order to generate massive profits, using selected individuals who they believe are suitable to be the front of the group. However, just because profit is the primary goal of these bands this does not mean they are bad and should not be supported, as in some cases they actually produce very good music which appeals to more than a niche audience.