Tuesday 13 January 2015

Updated Treatment Sheet

Group Roles:

Cinematography: Kamie Rothon

Mise-en-scene:Kamie Rothon

Sound: Ellese Lee

Editing:Ellese Lee

Title: One Day - Kendall Mackie

Our chosen song is about a relationship that ended badly so we decided to have a narrative based music video. We felt that this was the best option as the lyrics are easy to transform into a story effectively. We decided specifically on a non linear narrative; the first shots are going to be after the break up and flashbacks are going to be used to show the relationship from the beginning to the end. As well as using flashbacks we're going to use an amplified studio like setting thats repeated during the chorus. These shots will just focus on the artist singing into a microphone. At the start of the video the artist is going to be seen getting onto a train. We decided this was an effective idea as it symbolises that she is going on a journey both physically and emotionally. At the start of the journey she is upset about the break up and throughout the shots she is seen looking through photographs of them together, but by the end of the video before she gets off the train she is seen deleting them photos. This will suggest that by the end of the video she has stopped holding on to the past.

Key Genre Conventions:
The song we have chosen is of the pop/country genre as it is catchy and upbeat and contains lyrics about love and relationships. As the song we have chosen is of the pop genre our video will contain many close ups of the artist. As our song is also of the country genre we will also add in some typical conventions of country videos such as an acoustic guitar and plaid clothing. Our video will also establish a trade mark for our artist; her bright red hair. We will also make sure that our artist is dressed in stylish fashionable clothing as this is another key genre convention of a pop video.

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