Wednesday 22 April 2015

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 4 - Describe the technologies you used throughout the project, discuss both digital and non-digital technologies.

Throughout the second year of the media course, I used various technologies to produce my work. These include;

• The digital camera
• The filming camera
• Tripods
• Phones

Editing Software

•Premiere Pro

Online tools such as

• Blogger
• Google
• Popplet
• Prezi
• Survey Monkey
• Facebook

Firstly, I will discuss the physical tools we used in order to record various things as well as document our progress throughout the year.

 This is the recording camera we used to record our footage. This includes footage for the music video as well as audience feedback. This was an effective tool because it was easy to use. Given how simple the camera is to use we were never limited in terms of how creative we could get during the filming process. When we came up with an idea during the planning stages, we were able to execute it relatively easily using the tools provided to us and we almost never needed help from staff members when filming. I believe this is part of the reason why our video as well as audience feedback looked quite well made and coherent.

The tripod was also a helpful tool when filming because it was impossible to get steady shots when holding the camera by hand.

We used the digital camera as well as our phones to take pictures whenever we would go out filming in order to document progress which we would later upload to blogger. The digital camera was also used to take pictures of our storyboard, those pictures were used to create the storyboard animatic, which was a part of the planning process.  This camera was also effective and easy to use, which made the journey a lot easier.

Next we will talk about the editing software that we used to manipulate captured footage as well as images to produce our final package of video, magazine advert and digipak.

Below you can see an image of our video being edited in Adobe Premiere Pro.

This piece of software came with positives and negatives initially. The bright side of the software was that once we familiarized ourselves with it there were a plethora of tools that were available to make the editing process easier and the software worked in a logical way. However, it took a lot of getting used to and learning as some of the features that were available were not immediately obvious and at certain points during the editing process of the various videos that we made we required guidance.

Overall however, Premiere Pro turned out to be a very effective piece of software and my confidence when it came to using it was constantly increasing throughout the project.

The next piece of software we used quite extensively was Photoshop, this was used to create our digipak and advert

Above our finished digipak can be seen, which was created using Photoshop. Photoshop was similar to Premiere Pro in a lot of ways, this is due to the fact that it has an incredible array of tools in it that can be utilized in a huge amount of different ways by an experienced user, however before we could do anything with Photoshop we had to get accustomed to the tools that were available. In the end, we learned to use the tools that we needed and as such found Photoshop to be a pleasure to use throughout our project. A very effective tool.

The final set of tools we will talk about are ones that we found or were introduced to online, effective websites for various purposes to aid us in our journey.

Firstly, we will talk about Blogger.

Blogger was the website that we used to document our progress in various ways. This is where we posted the research that we did as well as planning the various videos that we later went on to film. This was an effective and simple to use piece of software, a good choice for the students to document their work as it can be accessed anywhere so work at home can be completed as needed.

We used Google to find information and images throughout the course, this was a very useful tool because we could conduct independent research to give ourselves a better understanding of anything that has been covered. 

Next was a website that helped us illustrate some of our work in a more interesting way than just blocks of text and images. This was Popplet.

Popplet was an interesting website to use, it was very good at what it did, however it had a slightly unprofessional feel to it. Despite this, it was an effective tool to illustrate certain aspects of research and planning. It was an easy an efficient process to use and embed a popplet presentation into blogger. Overall another very effective tool with minimal drawbacks.

Following this, I will talk about about Prezi which a website that allows you to create presentations that are accompanied by interesting animations and are more pleasant to look at than normal PowerPoints or blocks of text.

I think this was an effective tool that was simple to use.

The last website I will talk about is Survey Monkey. This was a website that allowed us to gather audience feedback. This was a good tool because it let us design our own questions and allowed people to answer our questions with anonymity which meant that using this tool we could gather honest and effective audience feedback which we could use to improve our project. Below you can see a portion of the survey we used to gather audience feedback.

We also used Facebook and Twitter to gather audience feedback. We posted our video on these websites in order to generate a discussion among our peers which helped us gather thoughts and opinions that we could use to improve the quality of all of our products. This was effective, as it allowed a variety of people to state their opinions on the work.

In conclusion, we have been introduced to many effective tools over the course of our project that have allowed us to more effectively present information that we have acquired and needed to document in our blogs and in video form.

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